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中国石化新闻网讯 据天然气加工新闻网6月23日报道,荷兰政府周五表示,明年将增加对生产氢(“绿色氢”)的补贴10亿欧元,之后几年再增加39亿欧元。


该国气候与环境部长Rob Jetten在一份声明中表示,“我们希望大幅增加荷兰的氢气产量,这对实现我们的二氧化碳减排目标至关重要”。




郝芬 译自 天然气加工新闻网


Netherlands increases subsidies for green hydrogen production

The Dutch government on Friday said it will increase subsidies for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources of energy, known as "green hydrogen", by €1 B next year and another €3.9 B in the years after.

The Netherlands aims to have the capacity to produce at least 4 gigawatt of green hydrogen in 2030 and double that amount in 2032, depending on the availability of enough wind power, a strong enough electricity grid and sufficient demand from industry.

"We want to significantly increase hydrogen production in the Netherlands, which is indispensable for reaching our CO2 reduction targets", Climate minister Rob Jetten said in a statement.

The Dutch government had earlier said it would earmark €9 B in the coming decade for the rollout of green hydrogen, out of a total fund of €35 B dedicated to funding the energy transition.

Out of this total, €300 MM will be reserved for stimulating imports of green hydrogen, while options to subsidize industrial users for the transition to hydrogen and the use of it are being explored.

(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )



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